My name is Matt Rudisill

This is my personal invite for you to join something I call The Simple Startup 3-Day Challenge. Are you ready to start that business you've been dreaming of?...Do you have the desire to do BIG THINGS?...Do you have a story and message that needs to be heard?...If so, this is your call. Now is the time to take ACTION! Join me inside the challenge. You will be glad you did.

Live Challenge Starts soon!

The Simple Startup


Discover the secrets to starting and running a successful business without giving up your existing life. Look at challenges as experiences and begin that dream you've been talking about.

3 Days To Change Your Business

Discover the hidden growth strategies of building your business in ways that you didn't know were possible, and learn a proven process that Matt has used to help build over 100 businesses in the last 15 years.

(and how he has successfully taught this to others in any industry including health,

business, and personal development)

This LIVE challenge includes in depth training sessions, projects, Q & A  and feedback sessions.

Day 1: Getting Started in Business

On the first day, you will understand the overview of my Simple Startup Business Building Plan that you can begin using NOW.

  • Discover the TRUTH behind the simplest way to build a full functioning successful Business.

  • The common misconceptions about building a Business.

  • Learn how to remove doubts and naysayers from your mind.

  • How to build a successful system that works for itself.

  • My Simple Startup Action Plan.

  • Learn to calendar your life to remain Consistent!


Know your WHY! Why do you want to be in business for yourself? What will it help you accomplish?

Day 2: Implementing Your Idea

On the second day, you will learn about "Writing an Effective Business Plan".

  • Discussion about all elements of a successful PLAN.

  • Determining YOUR PRODUCT or SERVICE.

  • Overview of plan including marketing and financials.

  • Writing your longterm mission statement.

  • The 3 Questions you must ask your audience that will unlock your success.  

  • Developing a system that will work for itself!


Have the tools available to write out your game plan and have a direct map or path to success. This is your WHAT!

Day 3: Leadership and Growth

On the final day, you will learn the basics of leading a team and providing excellent customer service.

  • Putting it all together to finalize your Startup Plan.

  • ​How to build a successful system that works for itself.

  • How to always keep an audience engaged.

  • What are your next steps and how to move forward.

  • Taking ACTION and working to build your EMPIRE.


What do you do now? Next steps! IMPACT. This is your HOW!

When These Clients Came To Us, They Were Struggling to Startup Their Business. Here is What They Said About The Training They Received! 👇👇👇

If They Can Do It, Why Not You?


Learn How to Develop and Start That New Business You've Been Dreaming Of.

Start Living Your Best Life NOW!

During this 3-day series, learn how Matt Rudisill has used this exact same method with 1000's of students and businesses to help them grow their companies. He will share with you time proven techniques that will allow you to start, build, and grow your business without having to sacrifice your time, family, or friendships. Take the first step now and join this 3 Day challenge and start living your best life now! Below you will see the expected results that you should achieve after playing full out in this challenge.

But, a few simple things are holding you back... and it isn't

happening as quickly as you'd like.


Here's the TRUTH:

I've been exactly where you are right now - trying to decide if this is the right decision to make. The time has come to play full out. It's time to have COURAGE and take the steps needed to have that business you've been DREAMING of.

We all have struggles and PAINS. Most of us just try to make it day to day. When that next day gets here, the reality is that we are just one step closer to NOTHING. Now is the TIME to change that. This is your call to make a DIFFERENCE,.....AND.....DONUTS DO MAKE ME HAPPY!

In Less Than 3 Days You'll


Each Day I Will Coach You On...


Take The Challenge to Create 
A Growth Strategy That You Can Implement Fast

Challenge your idea of what's possible & skip years of struggle.


3 Day Commitment and Participation

1-2 hrs per day for 3 days. Accomplish a result each day.

Final Result

Implement My Systems To Convert One To Many

Learning how to quickly move past current struggles in 3 short days.

This Class Is For

Digital Marketers, Coaches & Consultants

Beginner or advanced, this class is for you!

3 days - One Hour Per Day - Take Action Now

Spend 3 Days with Matt Rudisill and get the kick in the butt you need to create your NEW BUSINESS NOW!

You won't leave this challenge just feeling good, you could leave it with a New Direction and a Newly Built Business!

This Stuff Actually Gets Results!

still have questions? here are some answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is this 3 day class for?

Entrepreneurs who feel stagnate with their startup progress. Anyone who is struggling to start that business they've always wanted to. Dreamers who need that extra push to make their dreams reality.

Q: Who is this class not for?

People who are looking for an easy way, a magic template, or a secret formula. This is also NOT for business opportunity seekers or people that want easy money. It's not a shiny object to let dust collect on, you MUST go through the challenge because ALL the recordings disappear on day 4. If you are not serious about your business, please don't waste our time.

Q: Will this work for my business?

Honestly, I can't answer that question for you. Only you can do that. Even though many others have had success putting these principals into practice, only you can determine your level of commitment. I do however, believe that this challenge provides a concise set of actions that if you apply them, work hard, and stay dedicated and persistent to reaching your goal of business ownership, you will be able to find a level of success and be happy about your accomplishments.

Q: This seems like a lot of work, how much time does this take?

In the 3 day class, you will be learning how to set goals, plan out your business, market to and find customers, become a leader and develop a team. It will require at least 2 hours of your time per day and will be very action oriented where you will be getting the exact steps each day to build out your business. If you consider how much work you are doing right wasting time, spinning your wheels, looking for answers and results, this model will simplify your process and put you on the quick path to building the business you've been dreaming of.

Q: How much is the live class?

There are 2 ways to participate in "The Simple Startup" challenge. The General Admission Experience is FREE and the VIP Experience is only $97 for the exclusive VIP ticket, Zoom post-event Q&A, and VIP Coaching with Matt Rudisill where he can go into your exact situation.

Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?

I've never taught this content before in this format outside of this challenge. It is a concise step by step process for creating your dream business.

Q: Are the challenge classes live?

Yes, classes will be live and recorded, but you won't be able to purchase the recordings. You will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for each day, by the end of the day. Limited time recordings will be posted in the Facebook group (the final recording will be live in the Facebook group until the Sunday evening following the challenge. At that time they will be permanently removed. 

Q: How does the 3 day challenge work?

Each day we will have the general session at 4pm EST. Following the daily live, we will have a VIP Q&A and coaching session at 5pm EST. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the daily tasks and ask questions in the Facebook Group each evening should you have any.

Q: Will I get direct feedback from Matt?

Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. If you have General Admission you will have the ability to listen to the Q&A but not to ask questions directly. But your questions will more than likely be asked by someone in the VIP Experience. 

All Earnings and income representations are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of The Leadership Academy, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying The Leadership Academy Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. 
The Leadership Academy Programs, Matt Rudisill, and their affiliates are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that The Leadership Academy, its programs, Matt Rudisill, and their affiliates are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms of Service for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions. 

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